Every school year my family picks a theme to guide our character building. It is something we can all do together no matter what age we are or what season of life we are in. In the past, we have used the words "integrity" and " perseverance" to help us stay on the right path. This year's theme is "preparation."

Usually, I announce the new word when school actually starts but since this word is about doing something ahead of time, we decided it only made sense to announce the word early so we can prepare for the start of a new school year and all that resides under that season.

Taken from Benjamin Franklin's Wise Words by National Geographic Kids (another one of my children's books), Mr. Franklin once said, "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise" after witnessing the late hours his Parisian friends kept when partying. Though we have heard this saying before, I wonder how many adults are truly applying this one principle for life.

Not everyone can go to bed early because of their job schedule but the principle of preparation can still be followed. The present is meant to be enjoyed for sure, but also to prepare for the future. I find the greatest pleasure in my work when I am ahead of the game. I feel in control and at peace, because I am able to meet the demands which then make me feel successful. The time used for preparation also gives room to problem solve if necessary. 

Journaling is a good place to track your progress, habits, and emotions that arise from trying to live with purpose. 

And so I ask you, Reader, what do you need to accomplish down the road that you can start preparing for this coming week? Below is a list of ideas you can pick from to start this character habit.

Carpet Bag Treasure #2: A Clock 

1. Prepare to wake up refreshed by going to bed early every night. Read a book before bed or watch one t.v. show and set the t.v. timer to shut off.

2. Prepare your coffee maker and do your dishes. Waking up to work feels like a burden already and that pushes you to want to crawl back into bed. 

3. Prepare your body each morning by grabbing your knees to your chest and giving yourself a stretch while still in bed. As I am aging, this stretch wakes up my body and takes the stress out of my back from laying down all night.  

4. Prepare your place of reading, journaling, and meditation. While drinking your coffee, thank God for your life. Read something that inspires you to do what is noble.

5. Prepare your pantry for the fall and winter. This is one I am enjoying right now in the month of July. While my garden is in full bloom and I am reaping the rewards of spring preparation, I can turn my attention to the future. And so while I prune and pick, I think of what I will plant next year. The creative process is in full gear and goes hand-in-hand with preparation. That is what I call a "nugget of truth." If you are not feeling creative lately, ask yourself "what things are needing to be organized in order to create that flow of energy and excitement?" 

Let's prepare!

~ Kristen

Below are some of the books I am reading through which I usually find at the thrift store, Ollie's, and stores like that, but I will link them to Amazon, Thriftbooks, or another company so you can read their full description easily and compare prices. I like to make a "Book List" on my phone for when I am out thrift shopping as well. 





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